Renee Hsia, MD, MSc

Immediate Past Co-Director
UCSF Department of Emergency Medicine
+1 628 206-4612

Dr. Renee Hsia is Professor and Associate Chair of Health Services Research in the Department of Emergency Medicine at UCSF. She is also a member of the Institute for Health Policy Studies, the Institute of Global Health Sciences, and the Global Health Economics Consortium. Dr. Hsia has worked in numerous countries focusing on access to emergency care and changes in patient outcomes after health delivery system reorganization. In a global context, her work includes assessing the global burden of disease related to emergency care, emergency care and surgical training programs in global contexts, and cost-effectiveness of training programs in sub-Saharan Africa. She has provided baseline and other data on existing emergency and surgical services for future planning on human and infrastructure investments needed to strengthen service provision in sub-Saharan Africa.

As Co-Director of the UCSF PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Emergency and Trauma Care, Dr. Hsia’s focus is on increasing access to emergency care globally to underserved populations in LMICs. Her work in analyzing the global burden of acute disease that can be addressed by emergency care systems has resulted the development of metrics that allow countries to determine desirable and feasible measures to accurately reflect a population’s access to emergency care.

Dr. Hsia received her undergraduate training at Princeton University, her Master’s of Public Policy, Planning and Financing from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the London School of Economics, her medical degree at Harvard, and her post-doctoral and residency training in Emergency Medicine at Stanford.



Patterns in California Ambulance Patient Offload Times by Local Emergency Medical Services Agency.

JAMA network open

Feldmeier M, Reyes KP, Chen C, Sporer KA, Konik Z, Garzón H, Hsia RY

Treatments and Patient Outcomes Following Stroke Center Expansion.

JAMA network open

Shen YC, Kim AS, Hsia RY

Geographic Access to High-Volume Mechanical Thrombectomy Centers in Florida, 2019.

Neurology. Clinical practice

Solovey L, Hsia RY, Shen YC, Guterman EL, Choi JC, Kim AS

Fatal and non-fatal civilian injuries sustained during law enforcement-reported encounters in California, 2016-2021.

Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention

Dillon DG, McConville S, Hsia RY

Emergency Department Trauma Activation Fees by Payer Type.

JAMA surgery

Wang Y, Liu V, Wang Y, Bai G, Hsia RY

Is more better? A multilevel analysis of percutaneous coronary intervention hospital openings and closures on patient volumes.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Hsia RY, Redberg RF, Shen YC

Heterogeneity of State Stroke Center Certification and Designation Processes.


Feldmeier M, Kim AS, Zachrison KS, Alberts MJ, Shen YC, Hsia RY

Electronic connectivity between hospital pairs: impact on emergency department-related utilization.

Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA

Adler-Milstein J, Linden A, Hsia RY, Everson J

Is state trauma funding associated with mortality among injured hospitalized patients?

American journal of surgery

Byskosh A, Shi M, Helenowski I, Holl JL, Hsia RY, Liepert AE, Mackersie RC, Stey AM

Initial Treatment of Uninsured Patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction by Facility PCI Capabilities.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Lin S, Shermeyer A, Nikpay S, Hsia RY, Ward MJ

Insurance-Based Disparities in Stroke Center Access in California: A Network Science Approach.

Circulation. Cardiovascular quality and outcomes

Zachrison KS, Hsia RY, Schwamm LH, Yan Z, Samuels-Kalow ME, Reeves MJ, Camargo CA, Onnela JP

Re-triage moderates association between state trauma funding and lower mortality of trauma patients.


Shi M, Reddy S, Furmanchuk A, Holl JL, Hsia RY, Mackersie RC, Bilimoria KY, Stey AM

Interfacility Transfer of Uninsured vs Insured Patients With ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction in California.

JAMA network open

Ward MJ, Nikpay S, Shermeyer A, Nallamothu BK, Rokos I, Self WH, Hsia RY

Patterns in Patient Encounters and Emergency Department Capacity in California, 2011-2021.

JAMA network open

Hsia RY, Zagorov S, Sarkar N, Savides MT, Feldmeier M, Addo N

Trends in depression risk before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

PloS one

Villas-Boas SB, White JS, Kaplan S, Hsia RY

Emergency Department Utilization, Admissions, and Revisits in the United States (New York), Canada (Ontario), and New Zealand: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Analysis.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Duffy J, Jones P, McNaughton CD, Ling V, Matelski J, Hsia RY, Landon B, Cram P

Geographic Disparities in Re-triage Destinations Among Seriously Injured Californians.

Annals of surgery open : perspectives of surgical history, education, and clinical approaches

Furmanchuk A, Rydland KJ, Hsia RY, Mackersie R, Shi M, Hauser MW, Kho A, Bilimoria KY, Stey AM

Association of emergency department crowding with inpatient outcomes.

Health services research

Hsuan C, Segel JE, Hsia RY, Wang Y, Rogowski J

Geriatric Falls: Patient Characteristics Associated with Emergency Department Revisits.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Cox DD, Subramony R, Supat B, Brennan JJ, Hsia RY, Castillo EM

The association between area deprivation index and emergency department discharge rates and revisits.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Baehr A, Fought AJ, Hsia RY, Wiler JL, Ginde AA

The relationship between stroke system organization and disparities in access to stroke center care in California.

Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians open

Zachrison KS, Samuels-Kalow ME, Li S, Yan Z, Reeves MJ, Hsia RY, Schwamm LH, Camargo CA

Cancer-related Emergency Department Visits: Comparing Characteristics and Outcomes.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Nene RV, Brennan JJ, Castillo EM, Tran P, Hsia RY, Coyne CJ

Association of STEMI Regionalization of Care with De Facto NSTEMI Regionalization.

American heart journal

Montoy JCC, Shen YC, Krumholz HM, Hsia RY

Nationwide study on trends in unplanned hospital attendance and deaths during the 7 weeks after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Denmark.

BMJ quality & safety

Bogh SB, Fløjstrup M, Nissen SK, Hanson S, Bech M, Johnsen SP, Kristensen MR, Laugesen LE, Søndergaard J, Folkestad L, Christensen EF, Henriksen DP, Hsia RY, Graham CA, Lindskou TA, Byg KE, Søvsø MB, Laugesen H, Hallas P, Mikkelsen S, Olsen KR, Thygesen LC, Gamst-Jensen H, Brabrand M

Early Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders and Outcome After Intracerebral Hemorrhage.

Neurocritical care

Madhok DY, Vitt JR, MacIsaac D, Hsia RY, Kim AS, Hemphill JC

Differential Benefits of Cardiac Care Regionalization Based on Driving Time to Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Shen YC, Hsia RY

Letter to the Editor. Discrepancies in national databases for TBI estimates.

Journal of neurosurgery

Madhok DY, Hsia RY, Manley GT

Sex bias in admission to tertiary-care centers for acute myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock.

European journal of clinical investigation

Sambola A, Javier Elola F, Buera I, Fernández C, Bernal JL, Ariza A, Brindis R, Bueno H, Rodríguez-Padial L, Marín F, Barrabés JA, Hsia R, Anguita M

Age-related incidence and outcomes of sepsis in California, 2008-2015.

Journal of critical care

Wardi G, Tainter CR, Ramnath VR, Brennan JJ, Tolia V, Castillo EM, Hsia RY, Malhotra A, Schmidt U, Meier A

Strategy for reliable identification of ischaemic stroke, thrombolytics and thrombectomy in large administrative databases.

Stroke and vascular neurology

Zachrison KS, Li S, Reeves MJ, Adeoye O, Camargo CA, Schwamm LH, Hsia RY

Changes in Mental Health Following the 2016 Presidential Election.

Journal of general internal medicine

Yan BW, Hsia RY, Yeung V, Sloan FA

The rising cost of commonly used emergency department medications (2006-15).

The American journal of emergency medicine

Tebo C, Mazer-Amirshahi M, Zocchi MS, Gibson C, Rosenwohl-Mack S, Hsia RY, Fox ER, Nelson LS, Pines JM

Revisits, readmissions, and outcomes for pediatric traumatic brain injury in California, 2005-2014.

PloS one

Hsia RY, Mannix RC, Guo J, Kornblith AE, Lin F, Sokolove PE, Manley GT

Implementation of Federal Dependent Care Policies for Physician-Scientists at Leading US Medical Schools.

JAMA internal medicine

Ormseth CH, Mangurian C, Jagsi R, Choo EK, Lowenstein DH, Hsia RY

Unexpected deaths among patients with normal initial vital signs.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Yan BW, Hsia RY

Identification of Emergency Care-Sensitive Conditions and Characteristics of Emergency Department Utilization.

JAMA network open

Vashi AA, Urech T, Carr B, Greene L, Warsavage T, Hsia R, Asch SM

Ambulance diversions following public hospital emergency department closures.

Health services research

Hsuan C, Hsia RY, Horwitz JR, Ponce NA, Rice T, Needleman J

Factors Associated With Geriatric Frequent Users of Emergency Departments.

Annals of emergency medicine

Castillo EM, Brennan JJ, Howard J, Hsia RY, Chalmers C, Chan TC, Ko KJ

Access to Federally Qualified Health Centers and Emergency Department Use Among Uninsured and Medicaid-insured Adults: California, 2005 to 2013.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Nath JB, Costigan S, Lin F, Vittinghoff E, Hsia RY

Past Frequent Emergency Department Use Predicts Mortality.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Niedzwiecki MJ, Kanzaria HK, Montoy JC, Hsia RY, Raven MC

Characterizing pediatric high frequency users of California emergency departments.

The American journal of emergency medicine

Supat B, Brennan JJ, Vilke GM, Ishimine P, Hsia RY, Castillo EM

A US National Study of the Association Between Income and Ambulance Response Time in Cardiac Arrest.

JAMA network open

Hsia RY, Huang D, Mann NC, Colwell C, Mercer MP, Dai M, Niedzwiecki MJ

Limitations of Using Pediatric Respiratory Illness Readmissions to Compare Hospital Performance.

Journal of hospital medicine

Kaiser SV, Lam R, Joseph GB, McCulloch C, Hsia RY, Cabana MD, Bardach NS

Injury-Based Geographic Access to Trauma Centers.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Wei R, Mann NC, Dai M, Hsia RY

Factors Associated With Emergency Department Use by Patients With and Without Mental Health Diagnoses.

JAMA network open

Niedzwiecki MJ, Sharma PJ, Kanzaria HK, McConville S, Hsia RY

Comparing resource use between paediatric emergency department visits by triage level.

Emergency medicine journal : EMJ

Samuels-Kalow ME, Niedzwiecki M, Friedman AB, Sokolove PE, Hsia RY

Priorities to overcome barriers impacting data science application in emergency care research.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Puskarich MA, Callaway C, Silbergleit R, Pines JM, Obermeyer Z, Wright DW, Hsia RY, Shah MN, Monte AA, Limkakeng AT, Meisel ZF, Levy PD

Limitations of Using Pediatric Respiratory Illness Readmissions to Compare Hospital Performance

J Hosp Med

Kaiser S, Lam R, Gabby JB, McCulloch C, Hsia RY, Cabana M, Bardach N

Frequent Emergency Department Users: A Statewide Comparison Before And After Affordable Care Act Implementation.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

McConville S, Raven MC, Sabbagh SH, Hsia RY

Causes of shortness of breath in the acute patient: A national study.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Hale ZE, Singhal A, Hsia RY

Erratum: This Article Corrects: "Trends in Regionalization of Care for ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction".

The western journal of emergency medicine

Hsia RY, Sabbagh S, Sarkar N, Sporer K, Rokos IC, Brown JF, Brindis RG, Guo J, Shen YC

Emergency Psychiatric Care: The Authors Reply.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Raven MC, Hsia RY, Kanzaria HK

Complying with the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA): Challenges and solutions.

Journal of healthcare risk management : the journal of the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management

Hsuan C, Horwitz JR, Ponce NA, Hsia RY, Needleman J

Avoidable emergency department visits: a starting point.

International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care

Hsia RY, Niedzwiecki M

Persistent Frequent Emergency Department Use: Core Group Exhibits Extreme Levels Of Use For More Than A Decade.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Kanzaria HK, Niedzwiecki MJ, Montoy JC, Raven MC, Hsia RY

Don't Hate the Player; Hate the Game.

Annals of emergency medicine

Hsia RY, King J, Carr BG

Trends in Regionalization of Care for ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction.

The western journal of emergency medicine

Hsia RY, Sabbagh S, Sarkar N, Sporer K, Rokos IC, Brown JF, Brindis RG, Guo J, Shen YC

It's Time for a Strategic Approach to Observation Care.

Journal of hospital medicine

Sabbatini AK, Hsia RY

The American College of Surgeons Needs-Based Assessment of Trauma Systems: Estimates for the State of California.

The journal of trauma and acute care surgery

Uribe-Leitz T, Esquivel MM, Knowlton LM, Ciesla D, Lin F, Hsia RY, Spain DA, Winchell RJ, Staudenmayer KL

Validating the Use of ICD-9 Code Mapping to Generate Injury Severity Scores.

Journal of trauma nursing : the official journal of the Society of Trauma Nurses

Fleischman RJ, Mann NC, Dai M, Holmes JF, Wang NE, Haukoos J, Hsia RY, Rea T, Newgard CD

Emergency Department Death Rates: The Authors Reply.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Kanzaria HK, Hsia RY, Probst MA

Federally Qualified Health Center Access and Emergency Department Use Among Children.


Nath JB, Costigan S, Lin F, Vittinghoff E, Hsia RY

A Novel Survey Tool to Quantify the Degree and Duration of STEMI Regionalization Across California.

Critical pathways in cardiology

Rokos IC, Sporer K, Savino PB, Mercer MP, Shontz SS, Sabbagh S, Hsia RY

Emergency Department Death Rates Dropped By Nearly 50 Percent, 1997-2011.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Kanzaria HK, Probst MA, Hsia RY

Urgent Care Needs Among Nonurgent Visits to the Emergency Department.

JAMA internal medicine

Hsia RY, Friedman AB, Niedzwiecki M

The Triage of Injured Patients: Mechanism of Injury, Regardless of Injury Severity, Determines Hospital Destination.

The American surgeon

Staudenmayer K, Wang NE, Weiser TG, Maggio P, Mackersie RC, Spain D, Hsia RY

Cost-Effectiveness of Field Trauma Triage among Injured Adults Served by Emergency Medical Services.

Journal of the American College of Surgeons

Newgard CD, Yang Z, Nishijima D, McConnell KJ, Trent SA, Holmes JF, Daya M, Mann NC, Hsia RY, Rea TD, Wang NE, Staudenmayer K, Delgado MK

Trauma center care is associated with reduced readmissions after injury.

The journal of trauma and acute care surgery

Staudenmayer K, Weiser TG, Maggio PM, Spain DA, Hsia RY

Relationship of Affordable Care Act Implementation to Emergency Department Utilization Among Young Adults.

Annals of emergency medicine

Hernandez-Boussard T, Morrison D, Goldstein BA, Hsia RY

The Relationship of Financial Pressures and Community Characteristics to Closure of Private Safety Net Clinics.

Medical care research and review : MCRR

Li S, Dor A, Pines JM, Zocchi MS, Hsia RY

Use of emergency department imaging in patients with minor trauma.

The Journal of surgical research

Tong GE, Staudenmayer K, Lin F, Hsia RY

Emergency department observation units: Less than we bargained for?

Journal of hospital medicine

Fahimi J, Hsia RY

Private Safety-Net Clinics: Effects of Financial Pressures and Community Characteristics on Closures

National Bureau of Economic Research

Li S, Dor A, Pines JM, Zocchi MS, Hsia RY

Hospitals' Charity Care: The Authors Reply.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Valdovinos E, Le S, Hsia RY

Improving early identification of the high-risk elderly trauma patient by emergency medical services.


Newgard CD, Holmes JF, Haukoos JS, Bulger EM, Staudenmayer K, Wittwer L, Stecker E, Dai M, Hsia RY

Prehospital and Emergency Care: Updates from the Disease Control Priorities, Version 3.

World journal of surgery

Hsia RY, Thind A, Zakariah A, Hicks ER, Mock C

No Place to Call Home--Policies to Reduce ED Use in Medicaid.

The New England journal of medicine

Friedman AB, Saloner B, Hsia RY

Association of Medicare and Medicaid insurance with increasing primary care-treatable emergency department visits in the United States.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Pukurdpol P, Wiler JL, Hsia RY, Ginde AA

Emergency department utilization among frequent users with psychiatric visits.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Brennan JJ, Chan TC, Hsia RY, Wilson MP, Castillo EM

The association between advanced diagnostic imaging and ED length of stay.

The American journal of emergency medicine

Kanzaria HK, Probst MA, Ponce NA, Hsia RY

Physiologic field triage criteria for identifying seriously injured older adults.

Prehospital emergency care : official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the National Association of State EMS Directors

Newgard CD, Richardson D, Holmes JF, Rea TD, Hsia RY, Mann NC, Staudenmayer K, Barton ED, Bulger EM, Haukoos JS

Variation in charges for emergency department visits across California.

Annals of emergency medicine

Hsia RY, Akosa Antwi Y

The association of trauma center closures with increased inpatient mortality for injured patients.

The journal of trauma and acute care surgery

Hsia RY, Srebotnjak T, Maselli J, Crandall M, McCulloch C, Kellermann AL

Variability in California triage from 2005 to 2009: a population-based longitudinal study of severely injured patients.

The journal of trauma and acute care surgery

Staudenmayer K, Lin F, Mackersie R, Spain D, Hsia R

From 9-1-1 call to death: evaluating traumatic deaths in seven regions for early recognition of high-risk patients.

The journal of trauma and acute care surgery

Dean D, Wetzel B, White N, Kuppermann N, Wang NE, Haukoos JS, Hsia RY, Mann NC, Barton ED, Newgard CD

Emergency department charges for asthma-related outpatient visits by insurance status.

Journal of health care for the poor and underserved

Wang T, Srebotnjak T, Brownell J, Hsia RY

Association of emergency department and hospital characteristics with elopements and length of stay.

The Journal of emergency medicine

Handel DA, Fu R, Vu E, Augustine JJ, Hsia RY, Shufflebarger CM, Sun B

Emergency care: then, now, and next.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Kellermann AL, Hsia RY, Yeh C, Morganti KG

Quality measurement in the emergency department: past and future.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Schuur JD, Hsia RY, Burstin H, Schull MJ, Pines JM

Is emergency department crowding associated with increased "bounceback" admissions?

Medical care

Hsia RY, Asch SM, Weiss RE, Zingmond D, Gabayan G, Liang LJ, Han W, McCreath H, Sun BC

Gunshot injuries in children served by emergency services.


Newgard CD, Kuppermann N, Holmes JF, Haukoos JS, Wetzel B, Hsia RY, Wang NE, Bulger EM, Staudenmayer K, Mann NC, Barton ED, Wintemute G

High-intensity emergency department visits increased in California, 2002-09.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Herring AA, Johnson B, Ginde AA, Camargo CA, Feng L, Alter HJ, Hsia R

Triage of elderly trauma patients: a population-based perspective.

Journal of the American College of Surgeons

Staudenmayer KL, Hsia RY, Mann NC, Spain DA, Newgard CD

Patient choice in the selection of hospitals by 9-1-1 emergency medical services providers in trauma systems.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Newgard CD, Mann NC, Hsia RY, Bulger EM, Ma OJ, Staudenmayer K, Haukoos JS, Sahni R, Kuppermann N

The cost of overtriage: more than one-third of low-risk injured patients were taken to major trauma centers.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Newgard CD, Staudenmayer K, Hsia RY, Mann NC, Bulger EM, Holmes JF, Fleischman R, Gorman K, Haukoos J, McConnell KJ

The trade-offs in field trauma triage: a multiregion assessment of accuracy metrics and volume shifts associated with different triage strategies.

The journal of trauma and acute care surgery

Newgard CD, Hsia RY, Mann NC, Schmidt T, Sahni R, Bulger EM, Wang NE, Holmes JF, Fleischman R, Zive D, Staudenmayer K, Haukoos JS, Kuppermann N

Trauma deserts: distance from a trauma center, transport times, and mortality from gunshot wounds in Chicago.

American journal of public health

Crandall M, Sharp D, Unger E, Straus D, Brasel K, Hsia R, Esposito T

Variation in prehospital use and uptake of the national Field Triage Decision Scheme.

Prehospital emergency care : official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the National Association of State EMS Directors

Barnett AS, Wang NE, Sahni R, Hsia RY, Haukoos JS, Barton ED, Holmes JF, Newgard CD

Factors associated with short-term bounce-back admissions after emergency department discharge.

Annals of emergency medicine

Gabayan GZ, Asch SM, Hsia RY, Zingmond D, Liang LJ, Han W, McCreath H, Weiss RE, Sun BC

Effect of emergency department crowding on outcomes of admitted patients.

Annals of emergency medicine

Sun BC, Hsia RY, Weiss RE, Zingmond D, Liang LJ, Han W, McCreath H, Asch SM

Is emergency department closure resulting in increased distance to the nearest emergency department associated with increased inpatient mortality?

Annals of emergency medicine

Hsia RY, Kanzaria HK, Srebotnjak T, Maselli J, McCulloch C, Auerbach AD

Variability of ICU use in adult patients with minor traumatic intracranial hemorrhage.

Annals of emergency medicine

Nishijima DK, Haukoos JS, Newgard CD, Staudenmayer K, White N, Slattery D, Maxim PC, Gee CA, Hsia RY, Melnikow JA, Holmes JF

California hospitals serving large minority populations were more likely than others to employ ambulance diversion.

Health affairs (Project Hope)

Hsia RY, Asch SM, Weiss RE, Zingmond D, Liang LJ, Han W, McCreath H, Sun BC

Health care as a “market good”? Appendicitis as a case study.

Archives of internal medicine

Hsia RY, Kothari AH, Srebotnjak T, Maselli J

Evaluating age in the field triage of injured persons.

Annals of emergency medicine

Nakamura Y, Daya M, Bulger EM, Schreiber M, Mackersie R, Hsia RY, Mann NC, Holmes JF, Staudenmayer K, Sturges Z, Liao M, Haukoos J, Kuppermann N, Barton ED, Newgard CD

Deciphering the use and predictive value of "emergency medical services provider judgment" in out-of-hospital trauma triage: a multisite, mixed methods assessment.

The journal of trauma and acute care surgery

Newgard CD, Kampp M, Nelson M, Holmes JF, Zive D, Rea T, Bulger EM, Liao M, Sherck J, Hsia RY, Wang NE, Fleischman RJ, Barton ED, Daya M, Heineman J, Kuppermann N

Evaluating the use of existing data sources, probabilistic linkage, and multiple imputation to build population-based injury databases across phases of trauma care.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Newgard C, Malveau S, Staudenmayer K, Wang NE, Hsia RY, Mann NC, Holmes JF, Kuppermann N, Haukoos JS, Bulger EM, Dai M, Cook LJ

The forgotten trauma patient: outcomes for injured patients evaluated by emergency medical services but not transported to the hospital.

The journal of trauma and acute care surgery

Staudenmayer K, Hsia R, Wang E, Sporer K, Ghilarducci D, Spain D, Mackersie R, Sherck J, Kline R, Newgard C

A multisite assessment of the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma field triage decision scheme for identifying seriously injured children and adults.

Journal of the American College of Surgeons

Newgard CD, Zive D, Holmes JF, Bulger EM, Staudenmayer K, Liao M, Rea T, Hsia RY, Wang NE, Fleischman R, Jui J, Mann NC, Haukoos JS, Sporer KA, Gubler KD, Hedges JR

Radiological imaging of patients with suspected urinary tract stones: national trends, diagnoses, and predictors.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Westphalen AC, Hsia RY, Maselli JH, Wang R, Gonzales R

Measuring emergency care systems: the path forward.

Annals of emergency medicine

Hsia RY, Carr BG

Access to emergency and surgical care in sub-Saharan Africa: the infrastructure gap.

Health policy and planning

Hsia RY, Mbembati NA, Macfarlane S, Kruk ME

Disparities in injury mortality between Uganda and the United States: comparative analysis of a neglected disease.

World journal of surgery

Jayaraman S, Ozgediz D, Miyamoto J, Caldwell N, Lipnick MS, Mijumbi C, Mabweijano J, Hsia R, Dicker R

Provisional surgical training programs for increasing surgical capacity in rural areas in Niger: reply to letter.

World journal of surgery

Sani R, Nameoua B, Yahaya A, Hassane I, Adamou R, Hsia RY, Joekman P, Sako A, Habibou A

Hospital determinants of emergency department left without being seen rates.

Annals of emergency medicine

Hsia RY, Asch SM, Weiss RE, Zingmond D, Liang LJ, Han W, McCreath H, Sun BC

Epidemiology of child injuries in Uganda: challenges for health policy.

Journal of public health in Africa

Hsia RY, Ozgediz D, Jayaraman S, Kyamanywa P, Mutto M, Kobusingye OC

Factors associated with trauma center use for elderly patients with trauma: a statewide analysis, 1999-2008.

Archives of surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960)

Hsia RY, Wang E, Saynina O, Wise P, Pérez-Stable EJ, Auerbach A

Research priorities for administrative challenges of integrated networks of care.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Pilgrim R, Hilton JA, Carrier E, Pines JM, Hufstetler G, Thorby S, Milling TJ, Cesta B, Hsia RY

Penetrating cardiac injury from a wooden knitting needle.

The Journal of emergency medicine

Hsia RY, Mahadevan SV, Brundage SI

Trends and characteristics of US emergency department visits, 1997-2007.


Tang N, Stein J, Hsia RY, Maselli JH, Gonzales R

Epidemiology of injuries presenting to the national hospital in Kampala, Uganda: implications for research and policy.

International journal of emergency medicine

Hsia RY, Ozgediz D, Mutto M, Jayaraman S, Kyamanywa P, Kobusingye OC

Essential surgery: Integral to the right to health.

Health and human rights

McQueen KA, Ozgediz D, Riviello R, Hsia RY, Jayaraman S, Sullivan SR, Meara JG

Do California counties with lower socioeconomic levels have less access to emergency department care?

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

Ravikumar D, Hsia R

Human resource and funding constraints for essential surgery in district hospitals in Africa: a retrospective cross-sectional survey.

PLoS medicine

Kruk ME, Wladis A, Mbembati N, Ndao-Brumblay SK, Hsia RY, Galukande M, Luboga S, Matovu A, de Miranda H, Ozgediz D, Quiñones AR, Rockers PC, von Schreeb J, Vaz F, Debas HT, Macfarlane SB

Key concepts for estimating the burden of surgical conditions and the unmet need for surgical care.

World journal of surgery

Bickler S, Ozgediz D, Gosselin R, Weiser T, Spiegel D, Hsia R, Dunbar P, McQueen K, Jamison D

Role of collaborative academic partnerships in surgical training, education, and provision.

World journal of surgery

Riviello R, Ozgediz D, Hsia RY, Azzie G, Newton M, Tarpley J

Placing emergency care on the global agenda.

Annals of emergency medicine

Hsia R, Razzak J, Tsai AC, Hirshon JM

Disparities in trauma center access despite increasing utilization: data from California, 1999 to 2006.

The Journal of trauma

Hsia RY, Wang E, Torres H, Saynina O, Wise PH

Increasing access to surgical services in sub-saharan Africa: priorities for national and international agencies recommended by the Bellagio Essential Surgery Group.

PLoS medicine

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